
Missionary psychology | Medical advice


Missionary psychology | Medical advice


Missionary psychology | Medical advice

InTransit is a practice for psychological services and medical advice for (future) missionaries and sending organizations. Since 1995, InTransit combines psychological knowledge and experience with cross-cultural expertise. At a later stage, this has been supplemented with medical knowledge and experience. With these means, we support and strengthen people and organizations working abroad.


InTransit offers a variety of services to support the welfare and resilience of missionary workers. The services are geared towards the (future) worker and their family, as well as towards the sending organization.

InTransit offers the following services:

Resilience assessment

A resilience assessment is an examination focused on the resilience of a future missionary worker and accompanying family members with regard to living and working in a different culture. InTransit executes assessments to prevent disappointment, frustration and premature return. Recommendations are given to enhance the worker’s well-being and functioning during the secondment.

An assessment can be requested by the sending organization (click here for the brochure) or by the future worker themselves (click here for the brochure).

Psychological counseling | Treatment | Coaching

When familiar, well-known foundations are undermined, some experiences or events can hit home extra hard. InTransit provides counseling, treatment and coaching for psychosocial problems that are related to expatriate life. This will improve resilience. Some problems that may come up:

  • (Impending) burnout
  • Culture shock
  • Appropriation problems
  • Trauma and post-traumatic stress
  • Relationship and family problems
  • Phase of life issues
  • Re-entry stress
  • Struggling with loss, identity issues, feeling displaced

InTransit is extensively experienced in missionary psychology for adults, adolescents and children. During the registration phase it will be determined whether and which form of psychological counseling, treatment or coaching is necessary and desired.

If the issues cannot be treated by our employees, we will redirect you to a suitable organization or practitioner as soon as possible. We can also provide you with other sources that are helpful in solving or managing the problems mentioned before.

Medical advice

Our doctor is available for consultations and advice with regard to the physical health of workers who are or want to be deployed. We can help you with:

  • Fit for Duty; medical check before deployment This can be combined with a resilience assessment (contact us for a package price)
  • Consultation and/or redirection to specialist help in the case of physical (and psychological) health problems
  • Medical (and psychological) advice and consultation with regard to deployment, work, regulations and health
  • Guidance in employability during and after illness

Training and consultancy on individual, team and organization level

People who work abroad have to adapt to a different working and living environment and will deal with types of stress that they were not aware of in their home country. They will heavily rely on their resilience. A successful deployment starts with awareness, readjusting expectations and learning skills that will strengthen the resilience.

InTransit provides trainings and workshops for individuals, teams and organizations, Our selection will be continuously tailored to the demand and to current themes. Possible themes of trainings and workshops include:

You can contact us for a training tailored to your needs.


InTransit is available for advice to individuals, teams and organizations with questions regarding missionary psychology. Some examples:

  • Missionary organizations with questions about the prevention of premature return of workers
  • Churches that want advice on how to offer pastoral care to missionaries
  • Individuals with questions about psychological processes regarding a departure, stay and return from abroad
  • Medical policy advice for deploying organizations

Consultancy can be organized on location, but also through video calling, phone or mail.

Debriefing | Re-entry counseling | Crisis counseling


During the stay abroad, the expatriate and the family members experience a lot. The purpose of a debriefing is to process events that took place and to strengthen the resilience.

InTransit executes debriefing interviews during leave and at (unexpected) return. Debriefing interviews are geared towards personal life. These interviews reflect on the past, present and future. The main focus will be on life events, daily stresses and other experiences that have had a positive or negative effect on life.

If a traumatic event has taken place, (such as a natural disaster, an accident, violence or an evacuation) ‘critical incident debriefing’ will be applied. In this debriefing, the focus will be on organizing and processing the thoughts and feelings concerning the traumatic event.

Re-entry counseling

InTransit offers returning missionaries psychological counseling in re-integrating in the new living and working environment. The transition to the new environment can be a complex process. In this stage, InTransit can be of support to strengthen the resilience.

Crisis counseling

In crisis situations in the field, individuals and organizations can call on InTransit for psychological and medical advice, consultation and guidance. Where necessary, we will redirect to a relevant organization or caregiver.

About InTransit

Vision and Mission

InTransit aims to contribute to building God’s Kingdom. We accomplish this by professionally providing guidance, treatment, training and advice, both psychologically and medically, to sending organizations, (future) missionaries, and development workers and their families. This can take place during the preparation stage, the time abroad and at re-entry. We support workers in completing their mission as well and as healthy as possible.

We work with a resilience model, which we have developed especially for missionaries. Resilience embodies the ability of people to deal with stress, change and unexpected difficulties. It also embodies the ability to recover from these difficulties and, where possible, grow through them. Our resilience model provides insight into the most relevant factors that play a role in the mental resilience of expatriates. Based on this, we can examine how we can monitor, influence and optimize mental resilience and how we can intervene when resilience is not optimal.


Recommendations are given to enhance the worker’s well-being and functioning during the secondment.


You can contact us for more information or registration. The best way to reach us is by calling us on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday between 9.00 and 9.30 in the morning. If we are unable to answer calls, you can leave a voicemail message. We will call you back as soon as possible.